Saturday, March 21, 2009

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Do we have enough drug education that we have a “Drug Free Hong Kong”?

Recently we have two Hong Kong artists got arrested in Japan because of the illegal possession of street drugs with the subsequent verification of having taking such drug. It did arouse a lot of negative impact especially they could set a very bad example to their fans and young people in Hong Kong.

I wonder whether we have enough drug education in Hong Kong that why young people could think that it’s a fashion or whatever reasons to be on drug ; that is far more attempting than any harms they may have received. For those who said “no” to drug for many years could not understand why other people could be so stupid to harm themselves by taking such illegal drugs.

There could be many reasons why they chose on drug, possibly they may have some prior problems or upsets that they could not confront or solve so to use “drugs” as a means in not confronting, etc.. but probably they do not know “drugs” could bring more problems and upsets as a snowball that could destroy their lives eventually.

While the authorities should by all means make the illegal drugs out of the market that the "criminals" cannot have any channels to pass the drug to the public, it is also much more important to educate our young people on the subject extensively and continuously.

It should be included as part of the school curriculum for the subject of “drugs”. Any student who has finished a drug education course should attest that he or she will choose “no drugs” in his or her life. A thorough education with one's own recognition of the subject can bring a self-determined decision to say "no" to drug. Education is far more effective than any other preventive or legal means to build a “Drug Free Hong Kong”.

For the materials one can use in drug education either in school or any youth community, please check this out at, where they can also provide booklet in traditional Chinese.

I know you will share with my mission to have a “Drug Free Hong Kong”, and so let’s do more in our drug education.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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What barriers leading us not to know something?

Before we know anything, there could be something we “not know” that we therefore search and study to know. It is simple, right?

However, we also run into many barriers on not allowing us to really know.

One obvious barrier is that you assume you know everything about the subject that you do not need to bother to look for any area you may not know; or no need to verify or evaluate the body of knowledge you have without any false, useless or conflicting data to see they really can apply in this universe; that help you really master the subjects you are proud of. You may easily find such attitudes especially from the so called “expert” or “authority”.

Another extreme of barrier could be some kind of attitudes, or false attitudes from someone or any authority, that the subject could not be known, and no one has ever attempted to know in the past that it is a total mystery. If you assume any area that can’t be known, you of course will not know something about it. Or it you may wreck your “talent” when you agreed with someone who told you that you did not have the talent to know about something.

So you see your attitudes of what you know, what you not know, what you can know and what you can’t know can determine how much you can really know about the subject.

You can also see from the above on how this is related with one’s education.

Hence, one’s education depends on the attitude that something can be known about, and know what you not know and then look to find out what you can know.

Such attitude is not restricted to any formal education system, but any aspect of life as one can do something on what one knows.

When you try to hat or train anyone on any post of your company, you may find the above helpful to identify what attitudes about knowing something from your staff. You may be surprised to discover those who can identify the areas of "not knowing" with the idea that that can be known, is easier to train than those who tell you how much they have already known about the subject.

I hope the above tip may help.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

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Are all of our education so important that our students can’t feel relaxed?

On my last blog, I have briefly expressed my opinion on the subject of education which indeed is a big subject as the critical question is how our education system (including online education) can guarantee the ability to learn and apply. However, I have been very much occupied in the last few weeks that until now I could spend some time on my blog.

There has been a lot of pressure on study that we see some students going that far to commit suicide, or simply stop schooling, etc. Many of them are good students (in terms of good grades in school) prior to such dramatic behavior changes and made us wonder what had happened to them.

Where do all these unbearable pressure come from?

Each person is different for his or her response and solution handling toward his or her environment.

If we simply focus on education, let’s see what door can possibly open for a better solution.

There is one useful tip I have learnt from Mr. L. Ron Hubbard on his lecture about method of education that you can use it for your kids. For example, if he or she can’t feel relaxed on certain subject in school, or any particular topic of the subject concerned, you can ask , "Select something unimportant about the subject of ______”, he or she looks and gives you an answer, then you simply acknowledge it, and repeat the question again and again until he or she feels good about it. You can continue until he or she can select the unimportance and find what are important. If everything seemed important to him that nothing is unimportant, it could make him feel very tense like"killing" him. By doing this drill, he may find out that there is nothing important for this subject as you know some subjects or topics may be useless if they contained false or useless data ; or he can find out something valuable of the subject that he can be interested in studying it about. By doing this, you can help him to establish the proper importance of the subjects he is studying without studying unimportance or useless materials. Any data of importance can be valuable only after being evaluated by the person himself. The person can study well only on the subject he could find interest to study as it is based on his own self-determinism. It could even be better if the person masters the skills of study technology on the subject.

But before you help your kids feeling relaxed about study by the above suggested drill , you may ask yourself whether you have communicated everything around the study and education very important to him or her that you’re probably the source of putting all these “important” pressure on your kid. Then you may really need to look what the real importance of the education to your kid are.

I hope the above tip may help.