Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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Can you create better games of your life with better goals?

As now is close to the year end of 2009, it’s always a good time to look at what we have accomplished and what we have failed to achieve in the past, in comparison with our goals.

What goals we have and how we intend to make them happen by our planning and execution determine our level of ‘Havingness” in this universe. The goals can be anything for the individual, his family, his children, his group (career, business, communities, associations, etc), Mankind or life itself.

Anyone, if were busy in the pursuit of some definite and worthwhile goals with a lot of constructive and completed actions, would find himself with increased life force. The life force could dramatically get the person distracted from any past pain or upset though not permanently erased without any possible negative impacts to the person himself. Therefore, goals setting and pursuit are activities with a lot of therapeutic values. Any goals that are more constructive to the individual, family, children, group, mankind and life are valuable to pursue.

Each individual may have various goals towards his or her life. You may think your goals towards the Mankind are so worthwhile that any being on this earth should pursue it. But the reality is that we do have different viewpoints and many people may not agree with you.

The goals can be meaningful to the person only when he can see and set it for himself, but not enforced by other people or authorities. That’s why you will only get silent submission or even open rebellion if you have enforced your goals towards your children no matter how good you may have thought about the goals for them. Worse, you may have killed the creativity, abilities and happiness of your children in making their personal and self-determined goals to come true.

If you look at our new generation in Hong Kong, you may wonder why quite a large number of people are unhappy, lacking enthusiasm or simply living idly and to the extreme like wasting their time by doing something harmful to themselves and other people. There could be various issues behind such phenomenon as each individual is different. But you may find the common denominator of unhappy people as: lack of self-determined, meaningful and constructive goals. Some people may have meaningful goals, however, if they’re so stuck with the past pain and upset, cannot easily use his life force to get motivated and be persistent to do anything for his goals. They may eventually go apathy about the future that no goal is meaningful and simply complained life was against them with bad lucks.

Our future depends on what goals we have set for ourselves and others. At the time of the holidays, I wish you and your family all the best with the abilities to make your goals attainable soon in this universe.