Saturday, January 21, 2012

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How do you manage changes for better conditions in 2012?

I can’t believe that I have been off writing my own blog for almost a year for many personal reasons. I am still alive in this planet!

Writing this blog is to share some of my thoughts on various subjects without any intention to make anyone or anything right or wrong. The truth of the matter is really subject to the choice of viewpoint from the universe of the individual himself. 

A lot of changes happened to me last year.  I personally run into a lot of randomities that I have never experienced, especially in terms of magnitudes in the past.  Yet, I can finally learn how to come out of it and have achieved peace of mind because of my own personal belief, value and integrity with some changes of  my operating basic and personal policies.  So they’re all boiled down to what personal value one really believe and let them be part of one’s life; that they are powerful enough to handle any stops and even opposition to bring peace for oneself.

If we look around our financial and business world, the understanding and grasp of change of paradigm and rules of the games determine the fate of one’s success or failure.  

A person and even a business if failed and as long as they’re smart, they could evaluate the previous stable data they had upheld for the failure to cause confusion, and know how to search better and workable stable data, they can come out of their own confusion and help themselves move into higher and better conditions. However, one can easily get stuck in one’s own success without paying any attention to change of paradigm especially in a fast paced technological change economy; that slowly undermine one’s success model.  For example, we can’t believe that a 124 years old company “Kodak” to seek bankruptcy financing this year.  Part of the reasons for its failure was due to its underestimation of the growth of digital camera while they’re the pioneer and the leader in the film camera industry as well as the first inventor of digital camera.  The strength of one’s business model soon turned into the weakness to be out-competed by its competitors. In other words, the business failed to manage “change”, and if continued to fail to do so, it could be out of business soon.

Why are some people afraid of change?  Change may in a way invalidate what one has been doing, especially if it has been successful. Change will also shake the stable data that one has been depending for its success.  We don’t like confusion but stability.  Change if not managed well can put oneself into moments or longer periods of confusion.  Yet, let’s face the reality that if one don’t handle “change” properly, his competitors will soon bring confusion to his door.

If one can separate oneself from his own stable data without any fixation, one can easily change and adopt new and workable stable data that can allow defeating one’s earlier stable data if needed sometimes.  One simply manages change to a better and higher condition.  Then one doesn’t need to wait until someone hit it in his face by enforcing a better stable data than his to lock him out of his game.  Who are we really?   Aren't we more senior than anything around us?   Aren't we more important than our compulsion to prove ourselves right at all times?  Don't forget that you are a very valuable being! 

I wish you all the best and prosperity for the coming dragon year.  Play your game with spirits of play without too much seriousness and enjoy your life!!