When we look into the history of the definitions of "psychology", one will know what exactly the subject of 'psychology" is actually dealing with.
Webster's international dictionary of the English language -1829 defines "Psychology: A discourse or treatise on the human soul; the doctrine of the nature and properties of the soul."
Webster's High School Dictionary -1892 "Psychology: The powers and function of the soul."
Merriam Webster's 3rd International Dictionary- 1962, " Psychology: The science of mind or phenomena or activiites; the study of the biological organism (as man) and the physical and social environment."
Microsoft Encarta College Dictionary- 2001, "Psychology: 1. Study of mind, the scientific study of the human mind and mental states, and of human and animal behavior; 2. Characteristic mental makeup; the characteristic temperament and associated behavior of an individual or group, or that exhibited by those engaged in a particular activity; 3. Subtle manipulative behavior, subtle clever actions and words used to influence a person or a group."
Somewhere along the line, man lost his soul!
Let’s look who really build the computer machine; and who really invent the spaceship so man can land on the moon. It should be something more than what we see with our eyes only. You know you have not lost your soul!
And that’s exactly what’s missing for many studies on organizational behavior by simply using the pattern of automation (as somehow we don’t have perfect automation with correct predictability at all times) to find out how to control the pattern better by adding more control circuits for mind control or alteration purposes; without realizing or ignoring the fact the one behind the automation is the soul who likes to have his own self-determinism, likes to create, likes to fix or unfix his attention units, like to cause something good to happen, etc; but not a machine or a piece of mud itself.
If we are who we are really that we have not lost our soul, is it stupid for us who have created the pattern of automation but to make it to have full control back on us that we finally have lost our soul?
The rebellion does not simply come from any possible defect of the automation system to cause any breakdown itself, but from the resistance of the reduction of the self-determinism of the soul himself against any other counter-effort in making him to be fully automated, like by absorbing all his attention units in the same direction and distance for a real long time. The automation machine could eventually breakdown to the point when the soul himself gives up and simply succumb.
If we really understand who we are, how our mind works, and have some concept of the ideal state of our beingness with decent method to attain so by utilizing our own rights of self-determinism, then we won’t easily miss the picture of understanding and managing people properly for the greatest good of the greatest number of people concerned. Fortunately, there are some sensible management solutions you can learn to really improve morale and productivity by keeping our "spirits" up!