After the dramatic change in our global economy in 2008, what will our future look like?
We hope we can rewind the time machine to put us back to the prosperity years of 2004-2007 when having dreams of making many expansions possible.
Yet, these past postulated prosperity and expansion included many “bounced back particles” as the wealth creation was not simply based on production but on speculation in flipping assets, leveraged investment products in a pyramid scheme and easy credits without any proper regulation from many governments, in particular, the U.S. government. The suffering and damages we see today are the results of greed, unethical conducts and a lot of untruth and unworkable ideas in money management and wealth creation; that destroyed our dreams of prosperity and expansion.
If we really dream our economy to flourish and prosper, we need to have better resolutions by making our economy to be able to deliver valuable products and services in abundant exchange with each other domestically and internationally. Wealth should be created with valuable production and saving (at least ten percent of your income is set aside for saving), but not “quick money making scheme”.
Here are my New Year resolutions for Hong Kong to share with you:
(1) Our economy is based on the production of valuable product and services across many industries.
(2) Our policies making are based on the greatest good to the greatest number of people concerned, but not only for the interest of certain niche of the community.
(3) People can help and respect the rights of each other as a citizen per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
(4) People have better tolerance and understanding with each other though having different political or religious viewpoints. ( Whenever there is any conflict, find out who behind the scene to start the fight by saying bad to each party to cause the conflict to be unresolvable , otherwise, any conflict can be handled by communication and understanding without the use of any violence.)
(5) People can look and observe better with improved abilities.
(6) Students go to the school with the purposes of really learning how to learn, how to improve their perception and abilities and know how to be a better citizen without the sole purpose of getting good grades.
(7) Parents know how to raise their children without breaking their own self-determinism but with enough guidance and care to help them to be aware of the traps of life.
(8) People have their own right of sanity that we can raise and improve our mental awareness and health if any means to be employed, otherwise, the risks of such means in making us worse should be made known.
(10) Any person can dream and make his dream come true.
I hope you share and agree with my resolution.
Let us make the above resolutions come true to have a better Hong Kong for us and our next generation.
We hope we can rewind the time machine to put us back to the prosperity years of 2004-2007 when having dreams of making many expansions possible.
Yet, these past postulated prosperity and expansion included many “bounced back particles” as the wealth creation was not simply based on production but on speculation in flipping assets, leveraged investment products in a pyramid scheme and easy credits without any proper regulation from many governments, in particular, the U.S. government. The suffering and damages we see today are the results of greed, unethical conducts and a lot of untruth and unworkable ideas in money management and wealth creation; that destroyed our dreams of prosperity and expansion.
If we really dream our economy to flourish and prosper, we need to have better resolutions by making our economy to be able to deliver valuable products and services in abundant exchange with each other domestically and internationally. Wealth should be created with valuable production and saving (at least ten percent of your income is set aside for saving), but not “quick money making scheme”.
Here are my New Year resolutions for Hong Kong to share with you:
(1) Our economy is based on the production of valuable product and services across many industries.
(2) Our policies making are based on the greatest good to the greatest number of people concerned, but not only for the interest of certain niche of the community.
(3) People can help and respect the rights of each other as a citizen per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
(4) People have better tolerance and understanding with each other though having different political or religious viewpoints. ( Whenever there is any conflict, find out who behind the scene to start the fight by saying bad to each party to cause the conflict to be unresolvable , otherwise, any conflict can be handled by communication and understanding without the use of any violence.)
(5) People can look and observe better with improved abilities.
(6) Students go to the school with the purposes of really learning how to learn, how to improve their perception and abilities and know how to be a better citizen without the sole purpose of getting good grades.
(7) Parents know how to raise their children without breaking their own self-determinism but with enough guidance and care to help them to be aware of the traps of life.
(8) People have their own right of sanity that we can raise and improve our mental awareness and health if any means to be employed, otherwise, the risks of such means in making us worse should be made known.
(9) Our society is run by justice and discipline. We should not simply throw our judgment to accuse anyone or any organization without any prior impartial fact finding and evidence. Anyone who felt injustice should have the proper channel to readdress the wrongness.
(10) Any person can dream and make his dream come true.
I hope you share and agree with my resolution.
Let us make the above resolutions come true to have a better Hong Kong for us and our next generation.